Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Vans Job Application Online

Sale / Rent: 585 Laprida Hall Dept.

Hall, 2nd floor staircase, living room entrance. Kitchen, laundry, bathroom and spacious bedroom with wardrobe, no balcony. Very good condition .-
Address: Colón 2455, 2 nd floor, apartment 2.

Mts2 : 40 (forty) .- Bedrooms: 1 (a) .-

Rental Cost: $ 1,000 (thousand pesos) .-

More info: ejainmobiliaria@gmail.com

Although a demand and an almost non-existent on the market can find answers to these requests and presents , both public and private institutions, credit options specific.

" is a line which is focused mainly on home buying pleasure, as it could be a weekend home or holiday " explained representatives of BBVA Banco Frances, an entity that does have a loan package . The profile of customers who show interest in this niche is very clear credit. "It points to those that have savings capacity and excellent purchasing power, the only ones that could justify the binomial-admission fee, which is in the order of 30-35% "he said about the president of the Chamber of Real Estate Argentina (CIA), Nestor Walenta, to which he added: "Those who could access to credit, of about $ 70,000 minimum s-should gain between 16 and 18 thousand dollars a month"
. The level of consultation and applications for these loans is low, and it clear that not all banks or public or private-have such loans in their portfolios. However, among those who regard it as the French Bank's case, offer up to $ 600,000, with a fixed rate in pesos of 18% funding within 15 years and a percentage of coverage of 50% of the property value.

Finally, considering that the largest number of inquiries from banks fall on purchasing a first home, Walenta foresaw no radical changes or developments in the medium and long term credit for this niche: "These interest rates, I see no possibility of expansion because it is a limiting
"he said.
Source: www.cronista.com


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