Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Can You Use Ipod Headphones As A Mic On Psn

Rent: 2425 Columbus

In March next race begins this postgraduate
issued by the Real Estate Training Institute of Real Estate Chamber
Argentina and supported by the Ministry of Economy. Oriented

real estate professionals eager to expand their business prospects, race lasts 2 semesters and will work in regular classes, discussing cases of Argentine and international markets and making site visits. Thus, l The participants will form an interdisciplinary group to develop and evaluate real estate business of their own companies or clients, as in previous years, many of the projects have been realized and are now in various stages of realization. With regard to faculty, will attend prestigious professionals like Dr. Juan Carlos Franceschini, Architect Germain Gómez Picasso, Dr. Albert Reynaud, Mr. David Tisocco, Arch Graciela Alonso, Dr. Victor Hernandez Prof. Ivan Fernandez, Dr. Claudia Raisberg and Marcelo Tourret, under the direction of Mr. Mario Gomez. For those interested, on Thursday February 24 at 19 pm and will hold a briefing.

Information and Registration: (05411) 5031-3333 and Criteria - Orthodoxy and Vanguard.
· Analysis: law, property, market and currency.

conceptual map to set the value study.
Purpose Product Vs. Managing real estate value of a product
· · The appraisal as an opportunity for advice on recruitment and retention of current and future customers
The value of a property from the paradigm of marketing
· Standard scientific appraisal ·
: Zeballos 1372-2 º (compared UTN) and dynamic full review of concepts and new approaches to real estate because the real estate market transformation we are living: on the one hand, vendors and developers design products tailored to needs, values \u200b\u200band lifestyles. On the side of buyers, the wealth of information and changing consumer habits, multiply the market segmentation.

In this context, coordinating and integrating supply and demand, real estate agents have no alternative to the professionalism of their organizations on policies, strategies and innovation.

Program :
· Sale
. locations
· Auction
· Marketing and Sales Business • Plan

· ownership Horizontal
· Prehorizontalidad
· Trusts

The course will be developed through teaching oral exposure, Power Point and projections active audience participation through the posing of real situations and / or hypothetical.

Lecturer: MBA Ángel López Leonardo Dure

Hours: Monday and Wednesday 10 January 12, 2011, 18 to 22 hours. Information and registration: graduados@frro.utn.edu.ar


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