Tuesday, March 1, 2011

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credits to buy a second home

Under the 58 th Annual Convention of the Argentina Chamber of Construction
(CAC), presented a plan
mortgage financing to expand the opportunities for buyers today do not have access to homeownership. During the development of CCS,
Sergio Crivelli, president of the City of Buenos Aires delegation of the CAC, and Mr. Eduardo Gutierrez
, president of the Academic Committee of the 58th Annual Convention the entity and Vice 1 of the Business Chamber of Urban Development, presented a system of access to housing for the middle class.

The system presented is designed to meet current demand and reduce the estimated deficit of 500 000 property that has dragged on for years, through the construction of 100,000 homes per year. " Thus, we believe that in the next 15 years you may overcome the gap
" said Crivelli. He added: "
From our perspective, mortgages should be adjusted by a variable related to wages, thereby endow most trusted the system and provide better predictability for borrowers. "

The new plan proposes the creation of a fund, to be called "
" that would meet the annual funding from the marketing of fuels, derived from the sale ANSES government securities market and capital available. These will be aimed at the creation of housing for low and middle sectors.

credits would share about 20% compared to the average monthly income social segments C1, C2 and C3.
If families today sector that seek access to a loan, your income could only finance between 38 and 45% of the property value, far below the 70% "
, Gutierrez emphasized.

The credits would
to 30 years with a fixed interest rate set by tender and would benefit from subsidies.

Source: http://cedu.com.ar to combat the booming financial-called "leaks."

The full settlement check is a payment comparable to the delivery of cash. These are documents issued solely by the BCRA and delivered on consignment to the banks, which will deliver at the request of its customers in pesos or U.S. dollars, although the latter are only valid when used to cancel real estate transactions.

Thus, the anti-money laundering legislation, Applicants may purchase the full settlement check in the bank account and have registered firm. If it is a check in local currency, will only be issued against the debit account of the amount requested. If it is another dollar, you can draw on a debit or paper dollars deposited by your acquirer at the time of purchase.

turn, who want to cash it can only do so at your bank, that is, where has your account name and signature on file. There, if a person who charges, request the cash deposit or savings or checking account, without taxing the tax Checks are issued for a range that goes from 5000 to 400,000 pesos or 2500 to $ 100,000. When you need a higher amount may be used more than one check. His clothing will be made by bank employee who treats: a request, you must place the amount and currency and monitor the debt or deposit of money for that since that time, the BCRA will be warranted. And may be endorsed to twice as long as the first beneficiary is an individual. Of course such a procedure should be done before a notary or officer of the bank, which must certify firms. As a result, bank customers who decide to avoid the use and / or transfer cash to finalize trade for higher amounts, with only passing through your bank and ask to be free a full settlement check in the amount necessary (if they have this number or its equivalent deposited in an account based on that entity) can afford to pay, avoiding the risks of transfer of cash.

Source: Daily Nation


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