On Monday I had a brief moment of glory, if we understand the output on TV as one of them. Divendres tv3 program passes this week in Gava and a couple of weeks we called to inquire what was the tribal dance and for us. Explanations on the phone, sending information by mail .. all documentation work by both parties ..
Still, as a follower of the program that I was aware that all this could stay virtually nothing, but hey, I really was excited to teach something I love so much.
Monday at quarter to five my house became a real quarter: Skirts by all the sides, pompons around here, bracelets and necklaces out there ... and the cat freaking out in colors between each other. For as those who do not want the thing in the end we were six, three of us plus three of my girls .. illusion is making me participate in any way they can, but barely saw them.

At the end we went to "protect us" on the bus, where I ran head-on with Spartacus, the presenter .. and surprise! Is higher and is thinner than it looks on TV .. shit, then I look like a two-seater bus ...
As the six with our six skirts did not fit on the bus, we were moved to a room in the museum that had enabled where we continue to expect the makeup, since in the mail I was told we had to arrive earlier so that we could make up and all the fish ... but surprise! Not planned because apparently they had been informed that we would dress and make ... aichhhh god! We got the makeup artist come and paint me a bit (which I would speak) while the other girls were picking up the pencil to paint at least the eyes and fake tattoos ..

music sounded and we started to dance .. everything else evaporated .. Fortunately this part I like and control it and even enjoy it ...
The best part? Amina coming to us despite being busy to infinity and beyond, my mother leaving my grandmother alone at home to come to the park, my brother watching from Andover and lost the interview Nur, when he saw me on TV out home run with one of the twins and came to us, my students, who participated and those who followed him at home or online, the post-prime time in the Turkish beer up and down and lots of laughs .. Alex, when we cut into the TV is turned to look at his mother and asked more? .. As always, the environment, our beloved environment!
Gavà Television also gave me a mini interview, but it's so mini mini so that neither the hang ... Astorga is now time to think about our new stop! And then probably some more sites .. :) That does not stop the wheel!
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