Friday, April 15, 2011

How Much Does Easton Stealth Weigh?

Hi tod @ s! first of all to apologize, because the Internet has put on me and me is almost impossible to get into your blog, see entries on the desktop of my blog, but when I try to enter internet stops working and I get the typical message in the screen "Internet Explorer can not display the webpage" or something .. sometimes I go and when I have written the comment and put "send" internet again hang and see the same message .. that joined to open a page that is thinking about ten minutes to open .. Finally .. until Facebook is no longer my friend and I have problems with the messages I receive through this page .. so good .. no problem if Movistar or my rooter or not .. this afternoon will try to connect from the computer of my brother and I make a visit.

After all this, I want to show this cake I made for Oriol ... you sound like? is of great Tartacadabra Lara, I think that tod @ s know it, but if so, do not miss his blog, is a blast to use, tutorials, tips, recipes, tricks ... In my opinion Lara is one of the best cake designers that are in our country, no offense to anyone huh? so I say "one" ranking. I loved Lara's work since I met her through the old forum Wandering Soul Kitchen, now known as Cooking with soul, later in July, her husband and Lara created the blog, a gift for all of us, literally.

but is a genuine artist, their cakes are just amazing, perfect, colorful, full of details, I think memory is to me lol so much admire, so when i Mireia Pere again contact me to make the cake of their small Oriol and me said he loved the castles and knights could not stop thinking about Lara pie .. here's my adaptation of her cake ...

were two vanilla cupcakes filled with chocolate ganache, fondant and cover the dolls are modeled with gum paste.

Here one picture of the dragon, I have to admit that it cost me my ...

I hope you liked it! kiss tod @ s , happy weekend and until next time!


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