Saturday, August 7, 2010

Loan Forgiveness Teaching Abroad

Cairo Day 8 art that will soon be stopped

If Cairo museum had to be a serious, obviously, that bears his name, which houses an impressive collection of treasures from the tomb of Tutankhamun, and numerous sarcophagi, sculptures and bla bla bla ..

But this city is full of museums to spend more undetected, often because tourists come to a fixed shot, others because they get is an adventure and others, because the state of some streets you can not see what they contain.

Near our hotel (under a blazing sun nothing seems close) is the Mahmoud Khalil Museum ... a jewel on the outside which would be missing only the water from its source manara to be a true oasis and a jewel on the inside ... of time.

The museum contains original works by Sisley, Pissarro, Renoir, Van Gogh, Gauguein, Roden, Ribot, Courbet, Doupre, Decamps, Millet, Monet, Ingres, Delacroix, Rousseau, Degas, Toulouse-Lautrec Monticelli .. I thought I had suffered in Rome Stendhal syndrome, but honestly, has to be in this museum that has made me realize that was exactly, because you looked where you were to look at art filled every pore.

But, I feel in my soul this, but reality usually get your feet on the ground floor and it is most unpleasant. The carelessness with which the works are treated is very impressive and only the goodwill of visitors makes it all continue to survive without further damage: bad lighting, adequate temperature, lacking protection, monitoring absence ... An example for you to understand: the room that housed the Van Gogh was dark and two light bulbs that illuminated the table, one did not work .. the security camera was not in his place .. and if I had wanted to damage the box would have been done without effort. So with all ... remain optimistic, Rodin sculptures survive unless someone trips over them .. and the millions of Japanese details are stored in the dusty windows .. but the pictures are in grave danger.

Many of them are almost a blur, others are too obscured ... and there is no screen to protect them, why there is no screen?

I know that the arts are important to many people, but none can doubt the price of what this museum is home?

We were walking through the rooms with a face of disbelief, now impressed by what we have before, now angry .. found in a corner a homemade rat poison did not help much ... in this, this museum is not very different from Cairo. Can not handle, do not know how to take advantage of what they have .. one that asked for volunteers to clean the dust from the art students have kicked Europe, no doubt, hell, even I would volunteer! With all the best this city .... so desperate details


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