Sunday, August 29, 2010

Letter To Disconect My Telephone Connection


Sunset, towels are deployed on the sand and torches begin to be filled to proceed to turn on and provide illumination for a few hours, a space that will be ours alone. Nine women are dedicated to make towels, cups, plates, beverages, etc. and to distribute the food while it will continuously update what has been happening in the weather are not ... a couple of crazy get into the water, which at this time is warm and mysterious about the lack of light. Depending on how it is better to remain so mysterious, out of sight ..

While the two are crazy to take a shower comes one more, to turn and no more sand in the body that has been glued to his feet, all sit in a makeshift ring on the towel and start dinner while leaving flow the conversation .. when hunger is no longer pressing the talk is more light, take out the mojitos, margaritas and Lambrusco because cava disappeared and the first portions of pizza ...

From there the laughs are continuous .. reaches the last participant and what is said in the sand will remain in the sand on their heads, noted for next time ... dinner becomes hafla, we orientalized appear rattlesnakes and darbuka and the ipod out Arabic music. With bare feet up and dance, sit in the sand and touch, are groups and talk, we tend to look at the stars and talk or theorize about how things should be ..

To say that women can not be friendship, companionship, camaraderie .. who says it is because we do not know enough ...


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