Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Cairo day 13: discovering new things

One time we took a taxi while Eva here, the taxi driver left us his phone number so we called if we needed a taxi, very common here ... I had never relied on anyone, least after a short trip, but gave us good spine Ahmed so we decided to call to see if we could take the Al-Azhar Park, an area in which I had not been so far and We had recommended ... but also for which we had been warned, as many taxi drivers trying to overcharge.

We were with him and I had the good sense to come to us at the hotel on foot, leaving the taxi on the next street .. because the hotel is not it funny that they used taxis outside. " Our trip became a kind of search of the Lost Ark, says Maria Lujan, but not running behind our stone .. luckily, controlled but still get off the taxi was to relax ..

The Al-Azhar Park is really nice .. a sort of oasis in the midst of chaos and noise. The sound of water and the sight of palm trees with ripe dates get that for a moment forget you're in Cairo, but if you look at the bottom you can see the Citadel silhouetted against the trees ... arrived for the sunset and made him into something much more beautiful .. and we got carried away .. MariaLujan Shaabi and jumped for the photos and the latter came to make the kibble dropping by a kind of hillside where we had been rolling off a couple of ninya ..

The trip to Jhan the Jhalili is recorded ... I would not have passed or Indiana Jones, but we are a champion and Ahmed leads very well. If you looked around you could see the balconies and windows lit with Christmas lights like .. everything was changed now ...


The stores began to close "soon" and the area was unusually empty taxis, it was as if everyone in a hurry to go home ... I guess that would be equivalent (keeping the distance) to our good night ...

Around the hotel became a taxi ride through the neighborhoods of Zamalek and Doqqi and a good time on the bridge 6 of ocubre, talking about everything and anything .. we dead to the hotel, but with the advantage of having an extra hour to sleep, because taking advantage of the Ramadan have changed the time and not take the plane back to take hours espanyola ...


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