Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Exchange Of Vows In Spaninsh

about Ramadan Day 11: Cairo

that day is not live, or what I do or fail to do ... the sites are repeated and there is no way to locate. On Sunday I play visit the Citadel, a visit that part of me tired even though I recognize ue see Cairo from above has a point.

But he was crawl ... less heat, so yes, but who would say. My head burns and I get the feeling that one of these is the camera away in my hands.

avoid entering the rest of mosques and other places, because the composure was that the mere fact of having to take off my shoes and I would cover my laziness, but I re-entered the Alabaster Mosque, where, to my surprise, they were cleaning up all the lamps that hang from the ceiling ... we've never seen anything so .. Clearly, if we consider the cleaning process, not whether the remedy will be worse than the disease ...

rest for a while and we started to head towards the mosque of Al-Azhar; for it had to take a taxi because the two areas are quite remote, but take a taxi this year is different than the previous. After giving up a pair and have to put a face to another who wanted to deceive us, we managed to find one that put up the meter .. when we arrived at the Jhalili Jhan area were calling to prayer, so we decided to use for a drink before going to the mosque.

so hot .. throttling .. how much Pepsi in the veins ...

After the brief respite, we crossed the street and planted at the gates of Al-Ahar, where we were barefoot, we got long sleeves and cover our heads. When we and dirt away from the street, I care, I just wanted to take my breath long sleeve .. it's as if every pore of my body were plugged and asked for a word of mouth.

How Cairene women endure the heat, taking all the clothes they wear? Do not know, but they deserve a monument.

was not the year I have visited and more mosques, however, is the year that I've been ... more collapsed I'm getting older!


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