Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Speech For A 60th Birthday

In works .. Bona

The floor is becoming more and less of my former tenants .. I do not dislike the smell (Eye, was the smell of humidity, no weird stuff) and my colors began to spread through the rooms, with difficulty but gradually ... and I never imagined it would cost so bloody and horrific remove the salmon from the walls ...

Not that I have nothing against the salmon .. well, yes, I feel horrible .. but it is costing me god and help it go away .. My only consolation is that whoever comes after me will have it worse, because some of my walls are really dark, so if the salmon is difficult, and I plum fairy .. but is another who settled, I already I have enough with mine, because between the walls and the brush for windows .. oju!

Still I must admit that all this is making this month so unpleasant is happening a little better .. I can not wait to go in October and forget the fucking September, which seem to be lasting three times normal! Eight days are still to make this month is slightly less ugly ... mmmm ... I will be playing the original??


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