Monday, September 27, 2010

Poem Second Birthday Invitation


As is pointed out the opening title was of high standing and of high birth.
The pica-pica was exquisite, Bocabits; potato balls mark Squire and those that seem to soccer balls ... Ummmmm! and some of you missed it.
Mother, do not know what it is to live.

Well, here are some snapshots of those who did attend. Of those who could enjoy my healthy menu, and that above all, if you enjoy great art.

Dedicated to the charming gentleman-shirt green.
The pictures are hung on the walls, and in theory is where you should look.
Thanks and hope to see you at the next exhibition.

PS: For those who have not yet gone to envision my work, I remind you that the room Soler i Palet, is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:30 and 16:30 to 20: 30.
and Saturday from 11 to 14 and from 18 to 20:30.


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