Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What Is Anterior Myometrial?

war Quejido

For the first time I will go on strike so selfish: I refuse to fight for future generations, by those who neither study nor work nor do anything at all, for those who today protest because his favorite bar no is open or can not go for a walk to a mall.
This strike is for me, because I'm tired of reforms that do not help the worker never, because I'm sick of every step I grind a little more, because I'm sick of not only listen to us but that We also do not take into account .. yes, always for our good!

Today I strike.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Poem Second Birthday Invitation


As is pointed out the opening title was of high standing and of high birth.
The pica-pica was exquisite, Bocabits; potato balls mark Squire and those that seem to soccer balls ... Ummmmm! and some of you missed it.
Mother, do not know what it is to live.

Well, here are some snapshots of those who did attend. Of those who could enjoy my healthy menu, and that above all, if you enjoy great art.

Dedicated to the charming gentleman-shirt green.
The pictures are hung on the walls, and in theory is where you should look.
Thanks and hope to see you at the next exhibition.

PS: For those who have not yet gone to envision my work, I remind you that the room Soler i Palet, is open Monday to Friday from 8:30 to 14:30 and 16:30 to 20: 30.
and Saturday from 11 to 14 and from 18 to 20:30.

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Brazilian Waxing Brussels

On strike Things that make life worth

  • Irte to "relax" for a whole day knowing that the works in your flat because you have a family are worth an empire ...

  • A mini-train ride you are commenting as entertaining nonsense with two great friends, that you almost pass the station ...

  • spending almost three hours to soak, bubble here, jets out there, couch hot there, jacuzzi on high malignant flows away from the jets you want to try that hot water in a foreign autumn settings that position and see; not give him any button because everything is automatic ; shit how cold, how cold, cold ...

  • spend five minutes to enjoy a massage without more ... speechless ... without discussions ... but with friends to a surprise attack ..

  • Leave a shower and be the last change you, thinking you are slow to realize that he has won out first because you forgot to wear underwear to change and had to stick with the bikini wet post ...

  • Listen to tales of a talkative taxi driver and end up knowing half of his life ... Eating

  • sun ..

  • Wedding Planning
  • tribal ...

  • Discussing literature in a crowded train ... Call

  • geek to your friends and that they will match the same adjective knowing that it is an insult, but on the contrary ... Wait

  • over half an hour to pass a train one way in which for months that do not pass these trains in particular ..

And everything that happens in one day .. not to feel lucky!.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Speech For A 60th Birthday

In works .. Bona

The floor is becoming more and less of my former tenants .. I do not dislike the smell (Eye, was the smell of humidity, no weird stuff) and my colors began to spread through the rooms, with difficulty but gradually ... and I never imagined it would cost so bloody and horrific remove the salmon from the walls ...

Not that I have nothing against the salmon .. well, yes, I feel horrible .. but it is costing me god and help it go away .. My only consolation is that whoever comes after me will have it worse, because some of my walls are really dark, so if the salmon is difficult, and I plum fairy .. but is another who settled, I already I have enough with mine, because between the walls and the brush for windows .. oju!

Still I must admit that all this is making this month so unpleasant is happening a little better .. I can not wait to go in October and forget the fucking September, which seem to be lasting three times normal! Eight days are still to make this month is slightly less ugly ... mmmm ... I will be playing the original??

Wire For Welding Copper


"Hello, how are we going?
- Who do you ask?
- To you.
-Ahhh! aburridilla it.

This Friday on 24 septimebre at 20:00 in "Friends of the Arts" you are invited to inauguarción of an exhibition dedicated to privacy.
For more information:
If you bring an object close to you invite a glass of wine. This item will be auctioned públicamnete last October 14.

And this Saturday, September 25 at 19:00 in room "Soler i Palet, you are also invited to the opening of my solo exhibition in the consumer SURREAL.

Come on, did not tell you you can lose, never ever you could see so many "glasses pasta together.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Spiderbabe Online Spiderbabe Online

Did you know that for good luck when you mudáis to a floor, you have to give salt? And it's bad luck to use salt you have left? (Which otherwise can be a filth) And to throw this old salt is bad luck if before no has traído a casa tu nueva sal regalada? Bueno, pues yo no sabía nada de nada...

Y vamos, a este paso hago un master!!! Como un bombo me dejaron ayer la cabeza entre unos y otros... pero no pasa nada!!! Mi madre me había dado sal y yo tiré la vieja justo después de traer la mia.. señor...

No sé si hay más supersticiones.. casi que prefiero no saberlo, pero al retirar algunas cosillas de la terraza me salió una sargantana ydespués de asustarme y chillar como una posesa (consiguiendo que la pobre sargantana se paralizara tanto o más que yo), me alegré y le di la bienvenida, porque he decidido que ella da buena suerte y es una buena señal (a ella welcome cared a milk, as is pyrogen realized that I was no danger) ... her baby I welcomed today (it was something like the mini me of yesterday) and apparently seen I think I will finish by drawing on the terrace, to see how it goes .. We

a couple of days and procurement arrangements, to freak with everything you need to do and, on the other hand, illusions and how it will ... in principle, on October 1 and will be sleeping on my floor .. if it is not worth nothing!

(Image: Lluis Orfila Pons )

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Pattern Dora Backpack

dyad superstitions! Rachida

Catalonia, county wide,
who has been so rich and full!

our Lord the King now we have declared war. Follow

result! Follow
result, the straw was
face! Follow
result! The Duke of Earl

Weather you Poke the ear
Now it is time, our king,
now time to make war against all

already have what you see made: towns and places

went down to Rio de Arenas;

have already burned a church called Santa Coloma
chasubles sunrises and burning, burning
chalices and patens,

white bread that was not told he was too black and gave the horses

dessolar for all the earth.

wine that was not good, too sour

said drought and watered the streets
dessolar for all the earth.

in front of their relatives
disgraced the maidens.
and killed his parents gave
If damage complaint

Daren Already in part to the Viceroy,
evil that those soldiers were doing: I have the license
-I, it can take much more
.- In

to hear all this has
s'avalotat earth. In
to hear all this has
s'avalotat earth.

already entered in Barcelona
hundred foreign;
the name of harvesters, because there were
harvest time. Three guards

any, have died since the first
went to prison in Dar
release prisoners stripped

Members of the audience and judges.
and killed the Viceroy,
to escape to the galley;

The bishop blessed them with the right hand and left:
-Where is your captain?
-What is your flag?

I took out all the good Jesus
covered with a black veil.
I took out all the good Jesus
covered with a black veil.

-Here is our captain,
aquesta is nostre flag .-
-A les armes catalans ens
That the king declares war!

Segueu starter! Segueu
starter, the palla
will face! Segueu

Adult Genre Movies Online Watch


Hey buddies of my life and my heart.
Today I want to invite the festival of short films by the Bauman to be held from 13 to 19 September.

This unintelligible phrase listed above, for which you do not know, is the link to the festival. There you will find all the information as I'm too lazy to give you.

And lend me all your attention now, because I'll tell you once and nothing more, and think that this information can change the course of your life.
On 14 September, from 22 to 23:30 in the auditorium of Terrassa, they envisioned a series of short films, including I LOVE FILM RAMBLA be a visual spectacle that you can not miss.
In this life you have to plant a tree, write a book, I forget what the third and see I LOVE FILM RAMBLA, so we are 14.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Effects Of Mascara On Blepharitis

Sometimes you can not help it .. despite not being the hero, or want to be, it puts a knot in your stomach that will not let you move forward. I would be wiser, stronger, faster, more powerful ... but you're not.

All I want is to stay calm and locate the ones you love. Make sure everything goes well.

While not everything goes well for someone you love. Although you can not do anything to relieve the pain.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Power Of Attorney-to Cash Checks

is not very high, dark complexion without being black, like very sunburned but that sun which shows that is not for pleasure but for work. His age is indefinite, at least for me, wrinkles, work and time, which is sometimes cruel, it has been marked by her leaving.

Their clothes are not exactly clean, or at least not appear, but that is not dirt on who is left, but that which produces the city where he lives, filled with sand, even in the most unexpected recesses.

A Rachida I met three years ago, when I still had no name and was merely a seller of jasmine in Khan El-Khalili. To whom you have not been there will tell you to put up with the vendors "street" of Khan is even more difficult to endure continuous calls from the shop: purses, handkerchiefs, dolls, toy helicopters, lighters, bracelets, rugs, fans. . a torturous back and forth to which we add the henna tattoo artists and sellers of jasmine.

Rachida was one of those to which they always said " la, shukran *. I repeated many times and many times I saw that on my last day of visit to the market ended up giving me a necklace of jasmine ... I curled up on my wrist during overnight.

This summer, after three years, my surprise was great to see Rachida recognized me because he was seen not only in the eyes, that smile, but his gestures. The difference is that this time I gave from the beginning and bought the jasmine, which caused a strange relationship between the two, wherever he saw me and greeted me, finally, the third night exchanged names in the middle of an alley, where she sat looking tired taking tea.

Rachida changed the face when we saw the market, sitting in coffee will not say that softened him, because it would be too generous, but the truth is that relaxed and looked like another. If not bought jasmine and gave it to us if we bought him, we always gave more. We exchanged a few phrases in Arabic (I did not allow for more) and joked with the waiters or the other vendors with respect to us .. now we were part of it, maybe not his property, but that would be the idea ...

The night before Ramadan introduced us to his son, a young male copy of it, he did a voice of pride, bragging about it. To say goodbye before returning to the hotel, I wished a happy Ramadan and I went for a kiss .. I went ahead and gave it to her I would not know how to explain it: I forgot what were the signs of respect that we had learned in Morocco and the only thing I could think was that ... He deserves all the respect in the world, although I suppose that many will be surprised our gesture.

There's nothing like being a foreigner and get carried away ...

(* no, thanks)

Curtains For Four Poster Beds


This post I dedicate to the great Carmen, a person who has helped me, motivated, inspired and encouraged to keep painting, an extraordinary person and unique.
Carme Et trobarem missing!!