The first time I set foot in Tahrir Square was the 12th of August, on my 31st birthday. Leaving me by those who would end my guides the four days I walked and walked what seemed like a huge distance, crossing streets that had no zebra crossings and if there were not at all binding.
few times I have crossed over on foot, I'd swear have been a total of three, because if there is a place that has stood me in Cairo is that happy place. Chaotic
Stressful. Full
Full of life in constant motion because stopping is crazy.
With lights only for cars and pedestrians as they can exploit ...
The only time I've seen this quiet place was the second day of Ramadan last year: the cross in just three minutes and that because we had to stop at the traffic light. Something amazing and ghostly, like something out of Open Your Eyes Amenabar ...

In recent days, with all the cars cross was no longer a scary idea to me, because I was much more scary to think what might come to pass, on who can take the power, the remedy is worse than disease, this becomes a civil war that leaves them marked so many years, which lose little progress had been achieved, which Mubarak will not be a bloody time ...
... that the gray square turns red ...
I see my teacher suffering and acquaintances think I have there .. that I have not got a contact with everyone and sometimes the contact leaves more restless than not. I leave the message Wael, painter and illustrator who works in a newspaper that is not the regime, has been sent to my friend, spread these messages is the least we can do. Although not arrive on time, unless you are writing:
feel the delay (in reply) but I think you're familiar with what happens in Egypt. The political crisis has stopped everything.
Sorry, my mail is short for the plight of Egypt.
I just want to ask if you can tell your people in Spain to protest in favor of the Egyptians who are gathered and protesting against Mubarak in Tahrir Square.
The people there are attacked day and night with tear gas and bullets. It is feared that Mubarak will kill more than 150,000 people in the plaza ... will be a frightful slaughter. For now I am not among the crowd in the square, but I'm really horrified by what he (Mubarak) can do. Can not stand the idea. Mubarak is a dictator Crazy! Only
I tell you that if you can not ask people to protest. Only if you can. Thanks. Please tell your friends in other countries if they know someone.
(first and third photo are made by Gemma, in August 2006
the second picture belongs to me, was also made in August 2006
the third is from this past Friday, February 4 and was made by
Hannibal Hanschke)
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