You live idiots.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Speech On Anniversary Company Sample
You live idiots.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Difference Between Corn Maize
On Tuesday, 15 while returning by train every week of my class in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bViladecans pass the train station went dark and stopped ... per minute (more or less) started at half and half light ... I thought "looks have started the blackout early ".
At Gavà station I realized that the light had gone there, everything was lit with just the moonlight and the few nearby buildings .. shit! The station continues to works and the doors opened I saw that we stopped near a gate slowly trying to put myself .. got ... the people passed me with a rush that I do and I was not even located ...
Soon by little I got to see the way ... whether it is easy because everyone goes to the same place. But I do not see how the rest of the people and I go slower if you do not know the way: a paper low a stone on the floor .. anything can cause the big pine stick me for not having seen. I got to the stairs and located the rails, between that and the residual lumen could go down .. at a slow pace, yes, but why run?? For
to prevent people will coil because apparently you have no right to go slow.
We assume that we are all normal. We assume that if a person has no headset, cane or crutches, can not be "sick." Going so fast that even for a moment think of others.
came to me with snorts surpassing without asking for a moment why he was so slow ... eye, do not need help me, just respect me ...
Today is international day rare diseases. Mine is one of them (retinitis pigmentosa book as the doctor who takes me) and I can not go with a small sign hanging that says " care in the dark not see shit." I am making because I can afford it because my level of "handicap" is small (and I hope to remain so until I die) and because there is no other choice.
may seem silly, but behind each rare disease is a complicated story .. in my case I am lucky, the evidence is not too painful and my life not in danger. But we must be aware, go a little slower in this fucking life respecting others.
We focus so much on ourselves that sometimes I think I'm not the only one that has affected his view .. Sometimes the people around me are much more short-sighted to me.
Monday, February 21, 2011
How To Load Acrosman 760
Here you can listen to the version that made during the presentation Mariana Caumon collective suri stubborn in November 2010. Go Letter:
Baguala for my pains
Words and music: CJ Aldazábal
Come baguala
color painting of the high mountains where my memory
reminds you of you.
prayer comes
made my resurrection
germinating seed
weeping than he remembered.
Once I go to the stone walls to shear
penalties will
baguala silent goodbye. Come
baguala a white hill, leading the way
is lost because you lost.
comes stiff, leathery
in time, saddened
half because nobody sang
Once I go to the stone walls to shear
penalties will
baguala silent goodbye.
Friday, February 18, 2011
Dogs With Flea Bites On Stomach
Again the Alumni Association of the National Technological University
Rosary Regional School invited to participate in this seminar
property appraisal is dasarrollará on Thursday December 2, from 18 to 22hs in Zeballos 1372-2 º.
Nature of value: price, income and cost.

· conceptual map to set the value study.
· Object vs. Product. Managing real estate value of a product
· fees generated by services in a valuation process ·
The appraisal as an opportunity for advice on recruitment and retention of current and future customers
The value of a property from the paradigm of marketing
standard scientific Pricing

Lecturer: MBA Leonardo Ángel López Dure More info: (0341) 421 5945 - 155 00 41 11 by the increase in costs. " In the same panel, Luis Ramos expressed concern about inflation in dollars and the excessive supply of units 1 and 2 rooms for sale. The employer also referred to the industrial property market and income paid to investors for rental " there are more than 200,000 m2 of deposit supply, something never seen ... The apts do not generate more than 4 or 5% of income today. " For his part, Herman Faigenbaum, another panelist, posted his observation on the subject retail saying that" the market is in high demand because a government policy of consumption burner ".
In conclusion, Adriana
Anzillotti of The Nation, who moderated the panel, asked whether it is time to buy, to which they responded: Faigenbaum
said "it depends .... For me the answer is a mystery" ; in opposition Tizado commented that "no other options"
, advising those present to continue shopping.
- APPI pane (Teachers Programs Real Estate), the holders of chairs pointed to the need to reinforce legal certainty in the approvals of work: it is necessary to generate nationally homogeneous statistics Permissions building which show with high levels of certainty the number of houses and works carried out in order to serve as a basis for decision-makers, both public policy and private investment.
- The panel of marketers, Roberto Ledo showed a good thing, "
the dollar is very weak, the other day Obama printed 600,000 million dollars, there is no alternative to property investment" .
Undoubtedly, the most anticipated speaker was Eduardo Costantini who said: "The Argentina has a favorable situation in terms of export prices and strong demand from the emerging world. You see a trade surplus and reserve accumulation due to good performance of the external sector. Argentina has a low debt and fiscal deficit are not 10 years ago .... If the economy does not go out next year economic growth will be favorable. The government intended to reduce inflation and that phases in the least. Inflation will naturally espiralizando, unless there is a fiscal and monetary policy. "
also said "we all run away from financial assets. Within the housing sector are experiencing a situation where it is easier to sell that building. Currently demand is more cheerful than last year, the market is more buoyant. Today dollar a family saves and loses value. The local stock market is good for the saver. One can not anticipate the project, but it is highly advisable to try to have a level of solvency in the project, not a day cutting the work force . "
- After the meeting,
the last panel of developers joined opinions that ranged from cautious optimism and some pessimism about the future level of activity in the sector. Thus, Issel Kiperszmid spoke of a complicated scenario, "is not going to see major works for a long time ." On the other hand, Eduardo Gutierrez stated flatly that land prices will drop when Kiperzmid previously expressed that the process of land readjustment of prices takes time.

Source: Property Report
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Lucky Date Electro Refill Board
Friday, February 11, 2011
How To Create Menacing Atmosphere
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Farm Lessons Imagefap
The first time I set foot in Tahrir Square was the 12th of August, on my 31st birthday. Leaving me by those who would end my guides the four days I walked and walked what seemed like a huge distance, crossing streets that had no zebra crossings and if there were not at all binding.
few times I have crossed over on foot, I'd swear have been a total of three, because if there is a place that has stood me in Cairo is that happy place. Chaotic
Stressful. Full
Full of life in constant motion because stopping is crazy.
With lights only for cars and pedestrians as they can exploit ...
The only time I've seen this quiet place was the second day of Ramadan last year: the cross in just three minutes and that because we had to stop at the traffic light. Something amazing and ghostly, like something out of Open Your Eyes Amenabar ...

In recent days, with all the cars cross was no longer a scary idea to me, because I was much more scary to think what might come to pass, on who can take the power, the remedy is worse than disease, this becomes a civil war that leaves them marked so many years, which lose little progress had been achieved, which Mubarak will not be a bloody time ...
... that the gray square turns red ...
I see my teacher suffering and acquaintances think I have there .. that I have not got a contact with everyone and sometimes the contact leaves more restless than not. I leave the message Wael, painter and illustrator who works in a newspaper that is not the regime, has been sent to my friend, spread these messages is the least we can do. Although not arrive on time, unless you are writing:
feel the delay (in reply) but I think you're familiar with what happens in Egypt. The political crisis has stopped everything.
Sorry, my mail is short for the plight of Egypt.
I just want to ask if you can tell your people in Spain to protest in favor of the Egyptians who are gathered and protesting against Mubarak in Tahrir Square.
The people there are attacked day and night with tear gas and bullets. It is feared that Mubarak will kill more than 150,000 people in the plaza ... will be a frightful slaughter. For now I am not among the crowd in the square, but I'm really horrified by what he (Mubarak) can do. Can not stand the idea. Mubarak is a dictator Crazy! Only
I tell you that if you can not ask people to protest. Only if you can. Thanks. Please tell your friends in other countries if they know someone.
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Car Auxiliary Jack Fix
 seems the final stretch of hard work over two years. After the initial approval in Parliament (on 26 October), the cameras real estate in the province are preparing to attend the provincial Senate to discuss the Law
Real Estate Brokerage.
Enrique and Javier
Grandinetti, president of the Real Estate Business
Corporation (CEIR) and Chamber of Real Estate
" and "s and end with adventurers. "
"explained the business.
, Grandinetti said.
We receive commission provincial Senate Constitutional Affairs (who chairs the Kirchner Richard Kaufman).
We're going to raise the future existence of the professional associations. There will be two in the province and this is what we agreed with the five cameras in the territory of Santa Fe real estate: a school of Realtors for the South and one for the North. Be independent and will be coordinated by a body that serves to maintain communication between the two . To give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe unit, who spoke at this time represent Rosario, Villa Gobernador Galvez, Villa Constitución, San Lorenzo and Venado Tuerto " Badaloni detailed.
The achievement of passing this law to its proponents, is to give context to growth wield centralized police power to control potential abuse and to facilitate the training of operators.
Source: ON24