Sunday, May 8, 2011

Paraffin Wax Machines In Walmart

May 29 First Prize and Nobel Tartacadabra stylish cake

Hi tod @ s! how was your weekend? here in Barcelona on Sunday has dawned cloudy ..

This week Tartacadabra Lara told me that was one of the winners of the contest organized by her and in July for the fifth anniversary of Tartacadabra! I was thrilled because I never played anything like that coming from them and being a prize so cool ... you know of my admiration by Lara, so I have no words, most of which I said:).

Well I have it in house, two powder colors Rainwov Dust, a mate and a pearl and a silicone mold cupcakes are a real cutie ... I can not wait to premiere!

I have no picture and if I can not use them, but if you want to see you just have to go through your blog, and you'll be a little step because it is amazing.

And now .. thanks for the award given to me by other blogs, the truth is that I have time and I'm a little late, so I really appreciate it and of course always illusion that makes you remember .. so thank you very much Anne of My small and large kitchen and a Gaudir Denia who have remembered me for the award ...

Well .. As always there to share the prize and as I always say, I find it extremely difficult to distribute because tod @ s Chulis you have some blogs and the effort and work involved in one .. so as always, dedicated to all vosotr @ s , feel free to take the prize if you want.

And when that's all, you'll have a good Sunday!

A kiss tod @ s and until next time!


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