Friday, May 13, 2011

Real First.time Audition

Minitarta challenge and how to make margaritas simple modeling

For what said in the title ... Mila Cakelarre proposed through Facebook minitarta develop a form and development that would, the only condition that would fit in a dessert dish .. so I have prepared this small cake ...

I assure you it is well Sencillito to prepare, you just have to bake a sheet cake, cut discs of different sizes and go riding sandwiching the filling floors .. really simple objects?

I have prepared a mini-tutorials for you to see what it is facilitated to a very cool and Sencillito margaritas.

Use gum paste, white and yellow, a brush, a little water, a daisy cutter (or flower), a roll, a roll and a strainer.

extend the white gum paste roll and margaritas cutter do the flowers ...

Now, with the help of a roll will shape the petals, do it on a sponge or foam to acquire more movement ... see the difference between the first and second?


a pellet gum paste yellow and with the help of a sieve textured daisy center because we just stick to the center of our flower with a little water.

And we have our margaritas, if we let them dry on some kitchen paper or foil lined ... the petals will be up ...

Once dry we will put our cake using edible glue or a bit of glaze.

And now I show the picture I took in order to see the actual size of the cake, the water bottle is 50cl.

Yet the small cake ate four! hehe

I hope you have enjoyed, has been very fun to make and see how much has been made minitartitas! if you want to look into the facebook link .

A kiss tod @ s and until next time!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Paddle Ideas Sororities

Next course sugar figures

Hi tod @ s!

I set a new course of modeling in sugar figures for Sunday May 29 in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bGlorias zone.

want to learn to do totally edible sugar figurines to decorate your cakes? We will make gum paste and sugar paste, teñiremos mass and how to conserve, we will learn the basic techniques of modeling figures, arms, hands ... conservation, etc. .. and most importantly, will not we very well.

The course lasts about five hours (morning) and all material is included at the end of the course you can you take your creation home.

We will in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bGlorias and Carmeta area of \u200b\u200b cosetes Cuinetes i will be hosting us.

For more information, please contact me at .

If you want to see other courses taken and work carried out by other girls can see it here or here.

Greetings to tod @ s, to encourage you!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Griha Pravesh Sample Invitation Cards


As a good artist I am, my life is full of dreams, I'm so fickle that I think every day I have a new dream, which I sometimes stressed and suffer from anxiety, and that makes me put so nervous that I can not get air to breathe, and makes you see the rest of the world as a kind of nightmare, it seems I'm not there, I'm out and me off and I can hardly speak horrors leaving home ... Total to dream is so beautiful, and the hope is the last to be lost.

As I was saying, that within the dreams I have is one that is constant, there is one I want more than others, a museum, a spectacular local decorated my way, and plump to bursting with works of art purchased by me and to my taste, I mean I'm in charge there and shut everyone. It would be spectacular, it would be a mixture of baroque and art diogenes syndrome.
I even thought the ticket prices: $ 5 adults, children 15 euros (is giving me an anger that touched all).

For now and unfortunately I have no purchasing power to make my dream come true, but in my potential buy works of art that I love for a possible tomorrow.

Navy Neckerchief For Sale

Rosario: Real Estate Appraisal Day

On Saturday May 14, 9-14 pm, will this Day Intensive Real Estate Appraisal in Corrientes 356.


1) Nature of value: price, income and cost. Methods and Criteria - Orthodoxy and Vanguard.

2) DIMM Analysis: law, property, market and currency. Conceptual map to set the value study.

3) Object Product Vs. Managing real estate value of a product.

4) fees generated by services in the appraisal process.

5) The appraisal as an opportunity for advice on recruitment and retention of current and future customers.

6) The value of a property from the paradigm of marketing.

7) Scientific Assessment standard.

8) heritage rating.

9) Paseo observation thematic properties.

the end of the seminar will present the certificate of attendance issued by the Institute of Real Estate Training Rosario.

Speaker: MPCC / MBA Angel Leonardo López Dure (*) Registration and information: 0341 - 4113141-155150458 -

(*) Public Auctioneer and Broker of Commerce, Master in Business Administration, Director of ICIR Training Institute, Author of Real Estate Broker Course .-

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Paraffin Wax Machines In Walmart

May 29 First Prize and Nobel Tartacadabra stylish cake

Hi tod @ s! how was your weekend? here in Barcelona on Sunday has dawned cloudy ..

This week Tartacadabra Lara told me that was one of the winners of the contest organized by her and in July for the fifth anniversary of Tartacadabra! I was thrilled because I never played anything like that coming from them and being a prize so cool ... you know of my admiration by Lara, so I have no words, most of which I said:).

Well I have it in house, two powder colors Rainwov Dust, a mate and a pearl and a silicone mold cupcakes are a real cutie ... I can not wait to premiere!

I have no picture and if I can not use them, but if you want to see you just have to go through your blog, and you'll be a little step because it is amazing.

And now .. thanks for the award given to me by other blogs, the truth is that I have time and I'm a little late, so I really appreciate it and of course always illusion that makes you remember .. so thank you very much Anne of My small and large kitchen and a Gaudir Denia who have remembered me for the award ...

Well .. As always there to share the prize and as I always say, I find it extremely difficult to distribute because tod @ s Chulis you have some blogs and the effort and work involved in one .. so as always, dedicated to all vosotr @ s , feel free to take the prize if you want.

And when that's all, you'll have a good Sunday!

A kiss tod @ s and until next time!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Isabella Soprano Whatever Happened To Her

living beings in general.
What I promised on track as he went along the table, I think I have gotten out of hand, come on, that has been taking up the ass speaking out. I'm sorry, forgive me I've been bad and have been vague. You who are hardcore fans of mine, that you write me thousands and thousands of messages of support that you buy my works ye all cost, and reibindicáis to the four winds greatness of my art. I will never forgive me, but I ask that you own knees as you do, the hope for peace and harmony is in your hands.
Thanks and I love you.

I hope you enjoy this great work, if I do not accept claims.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Kates Playground At Washing Machine

In the Book Fair for my pains Baguala

On Monday 9, and almost closing, I'll be reading poems at the Book Fair in Buenos Aires.
going to be 17:30 in the Pavilion Stand 3044 Ochre (UPCN).
I will accompany the poet Rodolfo Edwards, Andi Nachón and Norberto Antonio.
Since it's Monday, I guess it will be easier access to the fair with free admission.