Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Invitation For Griha Pravesh Message

II Festival of Poetry in the center of Salta

II Poetry Festival at the Center
7 to July 14
The Festival is to reflect on the state of poetry Argentina and Latin America in the early new century, calling voices representing different traditions that are expressed through his artistic production and theory.

Opening: Wednesday, July 7
Antonio Reading Cisneros (Peru).
Presentation by Jorge Boccanera.
María Inés Aldaburu Thenon plays Susan Nestor Perlongher and poets of the Golden Age
Solidarity Hall [2 º SS] 18:00 hs.

Day 1: Thursday 8
Table reading: Maria Teresa Andruetto (Córdoba), Gerardo Curie (San Pedro), Soledad Castresana (La Pampa). Genovese and Maria Alicia Malusardi.
Coordinates: Inés Manzano.
From 18:00 to 20:00.
Bureau of reflection and debate: 200 years of poetry anthologies. Inclusion and exclusion. Canon policy. Hierarchy and arbitrariness. between 20:00 and 22:00.
Participants: James Sylvester (Salta), Irene Gruss, Jorge Monteleone and Gabriela Franco. Coordinator: Carlos J. Aldazábal.
Jacobo Laks Room [3rd Floor]

Day 2: Friday 9
table reading: Silvia Castro (Rio Black), María del Carmen Colombo, Sandra Cornejo (La Plata), Eliana draj (Mendoza), Celia Fontan (Rosario). From 18:00 to 20:00.
Coordinates: Espeja Dolores.
Bureau of reflection and debate: poetry circuits. Read cycles, the Internet editions. Market and alternative movement. Orality and literacy. between 20:00 and 22:00.
Participants: Alejandro Méndez, Miguel Balaguer, Sandro Walfish Barrella and Florence. Coordinator: Rodolfo Edwards.
Jacobo Laks Room [3rd Floor]

Day 3: Monday 12
table reading: Ricardo Costa (Neuquén), Daniel Durand, Julie Lerman, Pipo Lernoud, Claudia Masin (Chaco). Coordinator: Dolores Espeja. From 18:00 to 20:00.
Bureau of reflection and debate. hegemonic Poetics, poetic side. The relationship between poetry and poetry, including design and production. The conditions of the time in the production of poetry. between 20:00 and 22:00.
Participants: Américo Cristófalo, Romina Freschi, Maximiliano Enrique Foffani and Crespi (Bahía Blanca). Coordinator: Vicente Muleiro .
Jacobo Laks Room [3rd Floor]

Day 4: Tuesday 13
table reading: Osvaldo Bossi, Alejandro Crotto, John Desiderio, Laura and Maria Julia Magistratti Yasan. Coordinator: Inés Manzano. From 18:00 to 20:00.
Bureau of reflection and debate: Poetry and subjectivities. "I is another? Mask, experience, origin. Gender and ethnicity in the construction of the voice. From 20:00 to 22:00 pm
Participants: Andi Nachón, Paula Jimenez, Carlos Battilana, and Liliana Ancalao (Chubut). Coordinator: Alicia Genovese.
Jacobo Laks Room [3rd Floor]

Close: Wednesday 14
Reading Mario Trejo
Miguel Angel Bustos, Juan Carlos Bustriazo Ortiz, poets in the voice of Tata Kidron.
Solidarity Hall [2 º SS] 19:00 hs.

Sponsor: Cultural Center of Spain in Buenos Aires (CCEB)
Organizers: The Literary Juan L Ortiz - CCC
All activities are free of charge. Limited capacity

Av Corrientes 1543, Buenos Aires l
Press: Cecilia Balaguer l l Carolina Guevara l 5077-8016


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