Sunday, April 4, 2010

Beach Weddings In Chennai

poetry workshops in the CCC

I'll be dictating two poetry workshops at the Cultural Center Cooperation, an editing and another Argentine poets reading, along with Rodolfo Edwards. Would begin in April, but starting in May, so one month left to register.

This is accurate:

- Poetry Workshop edition (Agosti Room, 2nd floor, Saturday from 15 to 17). The editing process begins in writing. A curator of work aimed at the self publishing poetry. Unpublished books will be selected to work in the workshop. Requirements: send the materials, in pdf or word, to folder or let the reception of the Cultural Center, in an envelope which bears the legend "editing workshop". The manuscript should include a telephone and / or email address. Coordinator: Carlos Aldazábal. Tuition: $ 60 Fee: $ 100 per month. Begins in May , limited vacancies.

-Workshop Argentine poets reading (Giribaldi Room, 2 nd floor, Thursday from 16 to 18). A journey through the works of authors who represent the various poetic traditions of the country, inquiring into the resources of his poetic: Evaristo Carriego, Raúl González Tuñón, César Fernández Baldomero and Moreno, Amelia Biaggioni, Olga Orozco, Juan Carlos Bustriazo Ortiz, Jorge Leon Escudero, James Regen. Coordinates: Rodolfo Edwards and Carlos Aldazábal. Tuition $ 60. Tariff $ 100 per month. Begins in May . No quotas.

Pattern Sausage Dog Toy

This year I'm driving a radio program FM La Tribu (88.7) .
Milling is called (name related, of course, with this Pepper). The official blog of the program is

But here may also listen to the programs: